This project has now been updated, see here: Power and SWR Meter - Rev II Page last updated 2016-05-27. Added a new version, with improved functionality - The new version is implemented as an Arduino Sketch First publication of page 2013-09-29
Some display examples:A20x4 LCD can be coerced into displaying four simultaneous bargraphs, each showing what effectively amounts up to100 bars. This is achieved by turning each character position of the LCD display into six bars (one in every six bars is not visible). Thisdisplay shows a continous carrier, at 103W: Asticky bar can be implemented by showing a long and fat bar in themiddle of a character position which is not being used, thus showingan approximation of the highest level within a period of say, 1, 2.5or 5 seconds. This sticky bar is then of course with a much coarserresolution, or only 20 bars in total, instead of 100. Thesticky bar is only visible if that particular character position isnot being used to show the “regular” bars. This methodologyworks surprisingly well. Thisdisplay shows a SSB voice signal. The highest power seen within theselected PEP period (1, 2.5 or 5 seconds) is 84W. The sticky barshows the PEP value. The highest power within the last 100milliseconds is 8.5W, as also indicated by the bargraph. Otheravailable displays can be selected with the rotary encoder, to depict average power and instantaneous power: Thisdisplay shows 99W being transmitted into a very badly alignedantenna. The transmitter sees a good load, as it is in front of atuner that has been aligned for a good match. The meter ispositioned between the tuner and the antenna: Below is a different display selected, indicating the exact same situation. Now we see that the forward poweris 211W and the reflected power is 112W, i.e. we have 99W out(apparently the SWR display was flickering between 6.4 and 6.6). Onthis display the bargraphs have been compacted down to 14 characterpositions each. This display has two power graphs for forward andreflected power, no sticky bar and no SWR graph: 10 bits or 12 bits ADC resolution:Most similar implementations that I have seen use 10 bitanalog to digital converters (ADC) built into the microcontroller, usuallyreferenced against 5 volts. This gives ameasurement resolution of approximately 5mV per bit, which translates to 0.2dB, when considering that the AD8307 has a slope of 25mV per 1 dB. This project allows for two different configurations (the microcontrollerautomatically senses which configuration is used):
The second option is a bit of an overkill, perhaps even somewhatnonsensical. However it was simple toimplement. Additional component cost isapproximately $15 (USD). However, the 12bit ADC chip is very small and not easy to solder. The choice is yours :) Microcontroller Firmware:For those who like to tinker, the firmware is is free software, released under the GNU General Public License. The latest version of the firmware is written in the Arduino Environment, with Teensy Extensions available here: The source code is available at the bottom of this webpage, see the file: This zip file contains a Folder which includes a number of files. All of those together constitute the source code. Note that certain firmware features can be tailored through modification of parameters in the PSWR_A.h file included in the source code for the firmware. The firmware source code is commented throughout and should hopefully be relatively easy to understand/modify/expand/adapt. An older version of the firmware (including 90% of current features) is also available, see file This version can be compiled using Atmel AVR Studio, version 6 or later. The zip file also contains a pre-compiled HEX file that can be uploaded into the Teensy++ 2.0 microcontroller. Detector Circuit and Tandem Match Coupler:A double sided printed circuit board was used, only one sideetched, a number of holes drilled to connect between the two sides. Some of my home made printed circuit boards turn out to besomewhat less than perfect :) Well, thisone was just barely good enough to get the work done:
Here is an X-ray view of the PCB layout for the detectorcircuit. Please refer to the bottom of this webpage to download an accurate size PCBlayout for the detector circuit: Here is a picture of the detector board populated withcomponents for the 10 bit ADC option and hooked up for testing: Below, the same detector board has been populated withcomponents for the 12 bit ADC option. The main drawback of this option is the miniscule size of theAD7991 ADC chip (see the middle of the printed circuit board). It takes a very good iron and a steady handto solder: The detector circuit uses all surface mount components. R1 – R6 are SMD1210, 1/2W. Other resistors and capacitors are SMD0805. Whether to include the AD7991 and itsassociated components or not, depends on which option is chosen. You may notice the lack of any slope adjustment circuitryaround the AD8307. If necessary, anymismatch between the two AD8307 detectors can be automatically adjusted out bythe microcontroller firmware, using two separate signal levels, first in theforward direction and then also in the reverse direction. Hence, no additional circuitry is requiredaround the AD8307 offset and output pins. See Menu Option “Calibrate”,under the section on Meter Displays andConfiguration Menus.
A very comprehensive description of what a Tandem Matchcoupler does can be found here: I have no preferred way to build the Tandem Match directionalcoupler. The main issue is a goodbalance and isolation between the two transformers. However, in the end, it comes down toaccuracy and luck; how similarly you wind the ferrite cores, and how identicalthe cores themselves are. My own builds were only marginally successful at achievingisolation approaching 30 dB at 28 MHz and above. There are many successful build descriptionsavailable (ARRL Antenna Book,internet…). Printed circuit board version of a Tandem Match Coupler: Another version, this one built free style into a shieldedenclosure: A third version, a combined Tandem Match Coupler and DetectorCircuit (10 bit ADC): Circuit Description (Tandem Match and Detector):The Tandem Match directional coupler consists of 2x 30:1transformers. The ferrite cores I usedare Laird 28B0375-400 (Digikey 240-2296-ND). These cores seem to handle power levels of up to 500W (200W output hasbeen tested with high levels of SWR). Other Tandem Match Coupler implementationshave successfully used cores such as T50-3, T68-2, FT114-61 etc. The 50 ohm terminations for the coupler consist of 3x 150 ohm1/2W resistors in parallel. The thirdresistor is actually two resistors in series acting as a voltage divider, 127 (1/2W)and 24 ohms (1/4W). Actually the 24 ohm resistor is in parallelwith 1100 ohm, which is the internal resistance of the AD8307. 30:1 gives a coupling of 1/30, or [20log(1/30)] -29.5dB The voltage division gives a further attenuation of[20log(23.5/150.5)] -16.1dB The maximum input power specified for AD8307 is 17dBm. Then the maximum input power the meter canhandle is: 17dBm + 16.1dB + 29.5 dB = 62.6 dBm or 32.6dBW, which is1800W. On the other hand, there is a trade off. We are using a voltage reference of 2.56V or2.6V. While this adds the benefit of asimpler circuit and higher measurement resolution (0.1 dB when using 10 bit ADC,0.025 dB when using 12 bit ADC), it caps or limits the max AD8307 input toapproximately 15.5 dBm, rather than the 17dBm as specified. A very acceptable trade off for the highermeasurement resolution. In other words, the highest possible input power reading whenusing 30:1 transformers and a 127 ohm + 23.5 ohm (24 ohm in parallel with theinternal 1100 ohm in the AD8307) voltage divider is just over 1kW (1300W). To be able to measure power levels above 500W (or 200W inreality, with high SWR levels) you may need to use larger cores for the TandemMatch coupler. Using T68-2 or T68-3 cores and a 40:1 ratio, as described inthe ARRL Antenna Book, or perhaps better, FT114-61, will make the metersuitable for power levels up to 2kW, without any modification required of theresistors R1 through R8. I like using surface mount components. This is my personal choice, it is of little orno relevance at short wave frequencies, the 10 bit version of the detectorcircuit could of course also be built using through hole components. Informative links to two other similar power meterimplementations, including 2x AD8307 and Tandem Match directional couplers:
The Controller circuit:Teensy2++ from (Atmel AT90USB1286 microcontroller running at 16MHz). The cheaper Teensy 2.0 cannot be used, as it doesn't have enough Flash ROM and RAM to support the firmware. The current version of the firmware uses approximately 40 kB of Flash, 7 kB of RAM and 50 bytes of EEPROM. Acheap 15PPR mechanical rotary encoder with 30 detent and a built-inpush switch (Panasonic EVQ-WTEF2515B) , available from severalsources on eBay. Note that the 5V connection shown on the schematic is not used with the Panasonic encoder. 20x4LCD (HD44780 compatible), available from multiple sources on eBay Here is the version using the internal 10 bit ADC: (click on schematic to enlarge)This version makes use of the internal2.56V reference available in the AT90USB1286 microcontroller. This gives 2.56V/1024 = 2.5mV per bit, whichequals 0.1 dB measurement resolution. (example power levelresolution: ... 9.55W, 9.77W,10.0W, 10.2W … … 95.5W, 97.7W, 100W, 102W …) Here is an alternate version tobe used with the AD7991 12 bit ADC: (click on schematic to enlarge) The AD7991 version of thedetector circuit uses an external 2.6V reference for the 12 bit ADCs. Thisgives 2.6V/4096 = 0.635mV per bit, which equals 0.025 dB measurement resolution. Note that two versions of AD7991 areavailable, AD7991-0 and AD7991-1. Theonly difference between the two versions is the I2C address of the chip. The firmware automatically senses which chipis being used. Red LED for SWR alarm, green LEDto indicate whether serial output is active. Optional: A resistor, a NPN small signal transistor (BC547or similar) and a relay to break the PTT path in case the SWR alarm has beenactivated. If SWR alarm has been activated,then deactivate by a short push of the pushbutton. The Section Meter Displays and Configuration Menus gives a detailed overview ofthe firmware functionality. Both the 10 bit and the 12 bitversions of the meter are powered by 5 volts through the USB port, either usinga 5V USB wall wart , or directly from a Computer USB port. Total current draw is approximately 200mA,including LCD and the detector circuit. If powered by Computer USB port, then the meter can also providemeasurement data to the computer via the USB port. Here is a picture of an earlyversion of the Power/SWR Meter. Thisversion used an external combined detector+Tandem Match Coupler circuit. The meter is connected toa signal generator, approx 50mW input, 25 ohms (2x 50 ohms in parallel) as aload gives an SWR of 1.98 (should be 2.0): (click on picture to enlarge)Here is a picture showing theinnards of the controller (not much here). In the latest upgrade, the detector circuit has been included in the box: (click on picture to enlarge)Meter displays and configuration menus:Serial output (USB virtual serial port):Thecommand $ppollproduces two numbers, Power and SWR: 1234.12345678,1.02 Poweris in watts, lowest readable power level is 10nW. $pinst produces a human readable message, instantaneous power (nW-kW) and SWR $ppk produces a human readable message, peak (100ms) power (nW-kW) and SWR $ppep produces a human readable message, PEP power (nW-kW) and SWR $pavg produces a human readable message, average (1s) power (nW-kW) and SWR Example: 87.9W, VSWR 1.21 $pinstdb produces a human readable message, instantaneous power in decibel over milliwatt (dBm) and SWR $ppkdb produces a human readable message, peak (100ms) power in decibel over milliwatt (dBm) and SWR $ppepdb produces a human readable message, PEP power in decibel over milliwatt (dBm) and SWR $pavgdb produces a human readable message, average (1s) power in decibel over milliwatt (dBm) and SWR Example: 49.4dBm, VSWR 1.21 $plong produces a human readable message, example:
The command $pcont will produce the output of one of the above ($ppoll, $pinst, $ppk, $ppep, $pavg, $pinstdb, $ppkdb, $ppepdb, $pavgdb or $plong) continuously, 10 times per second. For example the commands: $pinst$pcont will produce continuous reporting of the instantaneous power and SWR. Continuous mode is retained if the Meter is reset or power cycled. Use $ppoll, $pinst, $ppk, $ppep, $pavg, $pinstdbm, $ppkdbm, $ppepdbm, $pavgdbm, or $plong again after $pcont to turn back from continuous mode. Here is the complete list of USB commands implemented in the latest version (Arduino Sketch): $ppoll Poll for one single USB serial report, inst power (unformatted). $pinst Poll for one single USB serial report, inst power (human readable). $ppk Poll for one single USB serial report, 100ms peak power (human readable). $ppep Poll for one single USB serial report, pep power (human readable). $pavg Poll for one single USB serial report, 100ms avg power (human readable). $p1savg Poll for one single USB serial report, 1s avg power (human readable). $pinstdb Poll for one single USB serial report, inst power in dB (human readable). $ppkdb Poll for one single USB serial report, 100ms peak power in dB (human readable). $ppepdb Poll for one single USB serial report, pep power in dB (human readable). $pavgdb Poll for one single USB serial report, 100ms avg power in dB (human readable). $p1savgdb Poll for one single USB serial report, 1s avg power in dB (human readable). $plong Poll for one single USB serial report, actual power (inst, pep and avg) as well as fwd power, reflected power and SWR (long form). $pcont USB serial reporting in a continuous mode, 10 times per second. $ppoll, $pinst, $ppk, $ppep, $pavg or $plong entered after $pcont will switch back to single shot mode. $sleepmsg=abcdefg Where abcdefg is a free text string to be displayed when in screensaver mode, up to 20 characters max. $sleeppwrset x Power above the level defined here will turn the display into meter mode. x = 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1 or 10 mW (milliWatts). $sleeppwrget Return current value. $tuneset x x = 1.1 to 4.0. SWR tune threshold. $tuneget Return current value. $alarmset x x = 1.5 to 3.9. 4 will inactivate SWR Alarm function. $alarmget Return current value. $alarmreset Deactivate Alarm if activated. $alarmpowerset x x = 1, 10, 100, 1000 or 10000 mW (milliwatts). $alarmpowerget Return current value. $pepperiodget x x = 1, 2.5 or 5 seconds. PEP sampling period. $pepperiodset Return current value. $calset cal1 AD1-1 AD2-1 cal2 AD1-2 AD2-2 Write new calibration values to the meter. $calget Retrieve calibration values. Format of calibration values is: cal1 AD1-1 AD2-1 cal2 AD1-2 AD2-2 where: cal1 and cal2 are calibration setpoints 1 and 2 in 10x dBm and ADx-1 and ADx-2 are the corresponding AD values for AD1 (forward direction) and AD2 (reverse direction). ( normally the AD1 and AD2 values for each setpoint would be the same, however by doing reverse calibration through the Controller Menu functions it is possible to balance any small differences there might be between the two AD8307 outputs. Note that I have not found this to be necessary at all :) ) $scaleget Retrieve user definable scale ranges. $scaleset Write new scale ranges. The scale ranges are user definable, up to 3 ranges per decade, e.g. 11, 22 and 55 gives: ... 11mW, 22mW, 55mW, 110mW ... 1.1W, 2.2W, 5.5W 11W 22W 55W 110W ... If all three values set as "2", then ... 2W, 20W, 200W ... The third and largest value has to be less than ten times the first value. $addebug read raw AD input - also works with $pcont, same as $ppoll etc... $version Report version and date of firmware. $help Display the above instructions. Calibration considerations:The basic functionality of the power measurement routines isto read the voltage output of the two logarithmic amplifiers (both forward and reverse direction)and calculate the resulting power levels in dB-milliwatt. To do this, the meter needs two accuratesignal levels, 30 to 40 dB apart, as calibration points. The calibration should be performed with aslow SWR as possible, using a 50 ohm dummy load. The Calibration Menu requires the signal levels to be inputin decibel referenced against 1 milliwatt, or dBm. To convert Watts to dBm, you can use thefollowing formula:
If the Tandem Match Coupler transformers are made with a 30 to 1ratio, then the meter should be accurate to within +/- 1 dB or so, using thepre-set calibration levels provided in the firmware. However, the calibrationprocedure can accommodate any other Tandem Match transformer ratios, and a calibrationagainst an accurate reference will result in an almost equally accurate meter. Calibrating in the forward direction sets the calibrationpoints for both the forward and the reverse AD8307. Calibrating in the reverse direction (switching the input andthe output) will only set the calibration point for the reverse AD8307. Therefore, a forward direction calibrationshould always be done first. A reversecalibration is useful to compensate for any slight variations between the twoAD8307. The calibration routine automaticallysenses whether power is going in the forward or the reverse direction. The single level calibration is sufficient for mostpurposes. The first level is set byregistering the actual power measured using the dB-level dialed in with theRotary Encoder as a reference (default 40dBm = 10.0W, can be any level between10.0 and 53.0 dBm). The second level isset at 30 dB lower, assuming that the AD8307 slope gradient is 25 mV per dB. The AD8307 datasheet indicates that the slope gradient is between 24 and26 mV per dB. The first level calibration is normally not required, use thesingle level calibration instead. The second level calibration isuseful if you want the meter to be accurate to within a dB over the full powerrange. This is best achieved byinserting a calibrated attenuator, between 30 and 40 dB, after having done thesingle level (or first level) calibration procedure. Best procedure is to do single levelcalibration in both directions and then the second level calibration in bothdirections as well.Some measurement data:As part of this project I have now built four or five TandemMatch Couplers. Below are typicalmeasurement values for Tandem Match Coupler directivity and SWR measurements:
In otherwords, there is some room for improvement if to be used at 50 MHz. But even at 50 MHz the results are no worsethan my commercially made HAM grade Power/SWR meters. The SWR measurement accuracy isalmost ridiculously good. To download any of the files below, please click on the down arrow ďat the right hand side of the file. |